Analysis of a short sequence from Crimson Peak

   At the beginning of the clip, we can see a mid shot of the protagonist in a state of confusion. The shot is landscape and at eye level of the protagonist to give a sense that the audience is on the same level as her and that we should be sympathising them. This is due to the fact that we see her clutching her stomach in pain after waking from a possible nightmare. This can be foreshadowing the rest of the film to be that of a horror film. This is because nightmares can be seen as a common convention of horror films; thus creating a prior sense of fear. This shot creates a nightmarish atmosphere throughout the rest of the clip.
    The audience is then able to follow the protagonist around the 'mansion' due to a tracking shot from behind. This creates a sense of protection for the audience as we are not venturing forth into the unknown like the protagonist. During this sequence, we can see the protagonist holding a candelabra, creating a sense of hope as she walks through the darkness This could also create a sense of protection for her as well as things such as demons (another common feature of horror) will not be able to attack her as they tend to operate in complete darkness. As this particular scene carries on, the background changes as the protagonist walks across the floor. This catches the eyes of the audience as we would like to find any visual clues as to what might happen next.
One small detail within the film is a red archway. Within this archway, we can make out a skull created within the rocks. This can symbolise death and it being shaped into the rocks shows that death could potential run thought the house. Paired with the colour red further suggests danger and not for the protagonist to cary on any further or they will potentially die. The tracking shot also shows this image to be on her left shoulder and the light to be on her right shoulder. This could give reference to the idea of good Vs. Evil and the constant conflict there is between them.
    Good Vs. Evil is a prominent theme throughout the horror genre and that the audience should aways be attracted to keeping the good safe and the evil away. This clip reflects that in the clothing of the character. She is wearing a white night gown; white representing purity and innocence. However, like in this picture, we can only see the purity when the light falls upon it, potentially creating a sense that she herself has a darkness too.
    A particular sequence that strikes me as interesting is the use of dramatic turning tracking shots around the character. This creates a sense of disorientation and confusion, much like at the beginning of clip when she first awakes. This shows that confusion and disorientation could be a prominent theme that is displayed throughout the rest of the film. The director wants to create mystery around the entire film and conjure up unanswerable questions within the audience.
    One dominant feature towards the end of the sequence is the bloodied ghoul/ demon. This is dominant because when you first see the demon, it appears to be smoking as it climbs out of the floorboards. The audience gets to witness the occurrence from a high angle shot, making it feel we are seeing it through the eyes of the character; getting the true extent of fear she has. the fact that the demon is climbing through the floorboards suggests that it is part of the house  and there is ultimately no escape from it when in the house  


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