Winters Bone

Throughout the film, the is a strong motif of animals. This is from the prints of various animals on the t-shirts and other items of clothing on the women and the pets that Sonny and Ashlee have like the kittens and dogs at the beginning if the film. One can perceive this as a symbol the the family is close to nature; the wilderness is their home. This is an example of active viewing where the audience is shown not told about themes and problems that arise. For example, poverty is shown through the close up of Ree cutting up the whole potato and frying all if the potato for food and the fact that the dogs are given whatever is in the fridge at the time.

Men are also a strong presence in the film even though they have a lack of appearances. Women have to ask then to enter houses and the women are 'henchmen' to the men, they will do anything.


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