Problems I can encounter creating the screenplay

  • One particular problem that comes to the forefront of the screenplay is the genre of the film. With the film being a film noir, the characters in the storyboard may be dressed appropriately, but he location will look too modern for my liking. One way I could is this problem would be to change the genre to Neo noir, like ‘Blade Runner’.
  • Another problem i have faced is with the script is the inclusion of the typical conventions of film noir, for example a voice over of the trouble protagonist. i have used a femme fatale and described shots to be with typical dark and wet weather, however the most challenging part of the script was to include a voiceover. A reason for this would be that I am finding it hard to include such a thing. The voice over is there to provide extra information for the passive audiences, however, being an active viewer, personally I’d like to use the voiceover in a way that allows the audience to be able to see the inner thoughts and feelings of the protagonist.


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